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October 2016
Marketing Material

Pictet and sustainability

Since the Pictet group was founded we have instinctively considered the interests of future generations.

Beyond pure business aims, every company has wider social responsibilities. Among these we are especially conscious of the environmental consequences of what we do, from managing the business to investing on behalf of our clients.

No other single factor compromises the welfare of future generations so much as greenhouse gases, air, water and soil pollution, the loss of forest cover and declining biodiversity that result from the resources we consume to meet our present needs.

In our operations we have, among other measures, set strict targets for cutting the Group's CO2 footprint per employee by 2020.

We aim to stimulate action on matters of sustainability.

Equally important, we have been early movers in adding sustainable investments to our product range. In 2000, we launched the Water fund, not only the first but today the largest in its sector. Among other such products, we were also pioneers with our Timber fund in 2008.

More broadly, Pictet has expressed its social conscience through a tradition of philanthropy, rooted in the spirit of the Reformation. Over the years, partners have made contributions in the fields of medical research, culture, and social and humanitarian causes. The Pictet Group Charitable Foundation, established in 2009, now provides a corporate framework for the Group's philanthropic activities.

In 2008, we launched the Prix Pictet photography prize. Through outstanding photography, the Prix Pictet aims in particular to raise public awareness of the need to tackle problems of environmental sustainability. But nothing is possible without our staff. Their well-being is critical in promoting a sense of responsibility towards clients, towards each other and towards the wider world in which we work and live.

Bringing all these strands together, our group-wide forum, known as the Sustainable Investment Board (SIB), exists to address collectively the development of sustainable investment solutions as well as the environmental impact of our activities.

Through these initiatives, we aim to stimulate action on matters of sustainability, not only as they affect our clients and ourselves, but also the future generations who will inhabit this planet.